Current Status and Configuration Updates
CURRENT iAdvise Status Heading link

3/4/25: Due to an update in the Starfish system, links that are a part of “Location URL” are not showing in the Appointment Reminder email. (They are still visible to the student in the Upcoming tab and in the Messages tab.) You may want to make sure that any link (or directions to view the Upcoming tab) is included in the “instructions” (of the Location settings in your profile) while this issue persists. [See screenshot above.]
The system functionality issue that affected users with student roles has been resolved. Please email if you continue to have issues.
As a general rule: If you experience issues with iAdvise not behaving as predicted, please try to clear your cache as a first step.
To clear your cache:
- For most web browsers: Hold down the shift key and refresh your browser as normal (clicking the refresh icon, generally represented as a circular arrow located to the left of the address bar [where you type your URL]).
- For more information about clearing your cache: How to Clear Your Cache on Any Browser | PCMag
If you continue to experience issues with iAdvise after clearing your cache, please email the following information to
- Describe the issue (include screenshots if possible)
- Date and time you experience the issue
- Your role in iAdvise (e.g., CBA College Advisor) [or the role you are currently using when the issue occurs] (if you are a student, say “student”)
- Student profile you are viewing (if you are a student, say “self”)
- Browser you are using
- Any other data you think may be helpful (e.g. if you had left the tab/window open for a long time, etc.)
Other Status Updates:
The immediate issue with advisors attempting to upload documents running into the hard quota that limits the total number of files in the system has been rectified. We are working with the vendor on a more permanent solution. However, wherever possible, please try to put the information (as much as possible, e.g., a summary of the document’s contents, etc.) in as notes. To prevent this issue from reoccurring, always be attentive to file size and minimize the size and number of files to only what is necessary. (Remember, students cannot see files uploaded to iAdvise.)
DO NOT UPLOAD EDITABLE PDFs: reduce the file size and remove editing capability if uploading is necessary.
There seems to be an issue with copying (via CTRL+C or mouse right clicks) and pasting all the contents from an RT page that may affect iAdvise functioning. Doing so brings over some code that causes iAdvise to freeze. Pasting as plain text (SHIFT+CTRL+V or right clicking the mouse) avoids this problem.
Configuration Updates Heading link
7/30/24: For tracking reports in iAdvise Exporter, the date range entered will now return items that were either raised or cleared during that date range.
4/1/24: The “Focus List” flag is now available in iAdvise. See more information on the Training Documents page of iAdvise.
12/12/23: Users can now find the FERPA Release by searching in the Services catalog in iAdvise.
10/3/23: The student’s Last Term Attended is now added to the attributes on the Overview screen. (See Data Definitions for more information.)
7/31/23: The titles of group sessions now display to students when they go to schedule.
4/17/23: The Asian American Student Academic Program is now in iAdvise.
A new “I Don’t Plan on Taking Courses at UIC Next Semester” flag is available for students or advisors and coaches to raise to communicate a student’s plans.
2/7/23: You can now raise a To-Do recommending that a student visit the Writing Center.
10/25/22: AAAN Tutoring is now live in iAdvise.
10/10/22: Race and Ethnicity has been disaggregated and a Quick Guide for tips on searching is available on the iAdvise website’s Quick Guides.
8/31/22: Burnham Hall Tutoring, the Business Learning Center, and the Engineering Learning Center are all live in iAdvise.
5/16/22: A new batch of iCard photos has been loaded into iAdvise to make it easier to connect faces with names.
11/7/21: There are two new updates to the Student Profile “Overview” – second major is now displaying for students with two majors AND registration status for next term has been updated.
7/9/21: The TRIO Program is now live in iAdvise. All users can find them in the Services tab of iAdvise. Advisors can also raise the appropriate referral to direct students to them.
6/3/21: The UIC Rafael Cintrón Ortiz Latino Cultural Center and the Disability Resource Center are now live in iAdvise. All users can find them in the Services tab of iAdvise. Advisors can also raise the appropriate referrals to direct students to them.
5/24/21: The profile page (found by clicking on a user’s name) has now been updated to be more mobile-friendly and cleaner.
3/19/21: The following offices are now in iAdvise. All users can find them in the Services tab of iAdvise. Advisors can also raise the appropriate referrals to direct students to them.
- Center for Student Involvement
- Commuter Student Resource Center
- Fraternity and Sorority Life
- UIC Impact
- Student Leadership & Civic Engagement
- Office for Undergraduate Research
- Office of External Fellowships
- Wellness Center
2/18/21: The dashboard in the student view of iAdvise has changed to be responsive to mobile devices. Students may notice an improved display of items on their dashboard. Also, the term “Walk-In” has been changed to the more inclusive “Drop-in.”
12/23/20: OAD will be changing message templates to reflect the limited resources available to students over the winter break. Regular message templates will be reinstated on January 4th.
12/10/20: The Study Abroad Office is now in iAdvise. All users can find Study Abroad in the Services tab of iAdvise. Advisors can also raise a referral.
12/7/20: Level Degree Group has now been added to the Overview page of a student’s folder (and is therefore available as an attribute in creating filters in the Students or Tracking tabs). Look for “Degree Group:” [with most current students having “Undergrad – Degree”].