Reports Information

While units are able to access a great deal of information through the front end of iAdvise (especially through combining filters of tracking items, meetings, and/or attributes and then downloading the lists), not all data are accessible in an easy to aggregate method through the front end of the system. Therefore, units have additional access to the data in iAdvise through three different methods: Exporter, Custom Reports and Delivered Reports.

Exporter Heading link

Exporter gives authorized users access to pull reports of iAdvise data directly from the system on demand, rather than having to wait for and rely on weekly delivered reports. Additionally, The Exporter adds new data when items are changed or updated, making it easier to see the history of interactions (vs. the snapshot in time based on when the report was run). The data from iAdvise is delivered to Exporter once per day.

The Exporter (especially in Phase I) is designed to provide the basic functionality of providing reports of the unit’s day-to-day functioning within iAdvise. This data can then be manipulated by the unit (e.g., combined with Banner data, filtered, etc.) as necessary.

The Exporter system offers some differences in the availability of data from that available from reports generated from the back end of the system. As such, these differences may require the continuation of delivery of (at least some) weekly reports or require users to request customized reports (see below).

Exporter Updates:

  • For tracking reports, the date range entered will now return items that were either raised or cleared during that date range.

Exporter Documentation

Go to Exporter (Remember to VPN)

Custom Report Request Heading link

Fill out this form if you need a custom report run for you. Standard processing time is two to three business days.

Delivered Reports Heading link

Note: Effective February 3rd, 2025, delivered reports will not be regularly produced. Units who use delivered reports for day-to-day operations in iAdvise can continue to receive weekly reports in BOX for their units. The reports are standard reports from Starfish that are provided.

Reports will also be delivered at the end of each term for all units detailing activity for the entire term.

End of Term reports for:

  • Fall will be delivered the first week in January.
  • Spring will be delivered the last week in May.
  • Summer will be delivered the last week in September.

There are five types of reports that can be delivered (depending on the unit’s needs):

  • Activity Report – a report summarizing activity in iAdvise, including meetings, events, and tracking items for the timeframe specified.
  • Meeting Report – a report providing details of all meetings scheduled for students associated to the unit throughout UIC for the timeframe specified.
  • Services Report – a report focusing on the unit’s meeting activity and kiosk usage – detailing sign-in and sign-out information. This is a comprehensive report of kiosk activity for the timeframe specified and focuses specifically on the meetings and activities within the unit.
  • Notes Report – a report providing information on the standalone notes created for students in the unit during the timeframe specified.
  • Tracking Report – a report of all tracking items (flags, kudos, to do’s, and referrals) raised/created or active for students associated to the unit for the timeframe specified.

NOTE – There are end of term reports delivered of each type.

Report Information and Report Data Definitions

Reports Open Hours Heading link

To assist users in working with data from the iAdvise system, we encourage users to attend the regular iAdvise Open Hours with questions.