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Reports Information-3

For those users active for day-to-day operations in iAdvise, reports are made available on a regular schedule in BOX for their units. The reports are standard reports from Starfish that are provided weekly, three times a week, or daily depending on the type of report.

Reports will also be delivered at the end of each term detailing activity for the entire term.

End of Term reports for:

  • Fall will be delivered the first week in January.
  • Spring will be delivered the last week in May.
  • Summer will be delivered the last week in September.

Types of Reports and Delivery Schedule Heading link

There are five types of reports being delivered:

  • Activity Report – a report summarizing activity in iAdvise, both meetings, events, and flags for the timeframe specified.
    • Report delivery schedule – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Meeting Report – a report providing details of all meetings for students associated to the unit throughout UIC for the timeframe specified.
    • Report delivery schedule – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
      • Monday’s reports include a report of the previous week’s meeting activity.
  • Services Report – a report focusing on the unit’s meeting activity and kiosk usage – detailing sign-in and sign-out information. This is a comprehensive report of kiosk activity for the timeframe specified and focuses specifically on the meetings and activities within the unit.
    • Report delivery schedule – Monday (details activity of the previous week)
  • Notes Report – a report providing information on the standalone notes created for students in the unit during the timeframe specified.
    • Report delivery schedule – Monday (details activity of the previous week)
  • Tracking Report – a report of all tracking items (flags, kudos, to do’s, and referrals) raised/created or active for students associated to the unit for the timeframe specified.
    • Report delivery schedule – Daily Monday through Friday providing details of the previous business day’s tracking item activity

NOTE – There are end of term reports delivered of each type.

Report Information and Report Data Definitions

Custom Report Request Heading link

Fill out this form if you need a custom report run for you. Standard processing time is two to three business days.